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Introducing Our Lead Pastor Candidate and Important Dates

Good Morning SCC,

I would like to thank Ryan for sharing the SCC Board's announcement last week in regards to Kevin Hardy being our Candidate for the SCC Lead Pastor Position. It definitely was an announcement filled with sadness, surprise, excitement and some questions of why?

Today I am excited to have the chance to speak about our decision as to why we selected Kevin as the best candidate for the Lead Pastor position. 

This was not a decision that we took lightly. We spent a lot of time praying together, meeting together and evaluating the candidates who applied for the role. With a unanimous voice, we met with the Board and put Kevin’s name forward. The Board and Search Committee then took more time to pray and fast - making sure that we were keeping God at the center, seeking His wisdom, and putting our faith in the fact that He is fully in control and wanting the best for His church. 

After a period of time, the Board came back to the Search Committee, with a unanimous voice in full favour of Kevin as our candidate for the Lead Pastor. 


So why Kevin? 

Through our time speaking with and evaluating Kevin, here are the giftings and strengths that the Search Committee has seen and affirms:

  • Gifted in preaching/teaching
  • Doctrinal and theological conviction and faithfulness to what the Bible teaches
  • Kind and compassionate in his dealings with people
  • Demonstrates strong integrity of character
  • A servant-heart who sees this role as a way to serve others and not himself
  • A shepherd’s heart to walk alongside others and see the gospel meet congregants where they are at
  • Vision and excitement to see the church move forward
  • His established love for SCC and desire to have a role that allows him to teach, shepherd, lead, and care for this church as a whole
  • 14 years of proven discipleship ministry experience in churches

As a Board and Search Committee, we are excited to see where God will lead SCC as we move forward from this stage of transition. 

We fully understand that you may still have questions: why? And that is totally ok. We encourage you to step into your uncertainty and take the time, over the next 4 weeks, to get to know Kevin’s heart for God, his vision for SCC and what God may have in store. Do not hesitate to bring any questions you may have to either the Board or the Search Committee

There there is a handout (see link below for PDF version) with information on special nights that the Search Committee will be hosting over the coming weeks. These will be opportunities for you to get to know Kevin more and they will have specific topics on which Kevin will speak. 

Then on July 3rd we will hold a worship, prayer, and question and answer night with Pastor Kevin here at SCC. We would encourage everyone who can to come out to this event. 

Pastor Kevin will then have an official candidating Sunday on July 7th. We will have a BBQ lunch following the second service on that day. 

The special meeting for the congregational vote will be happening on Monday, July 8th. We would ask all church members to mark this date and make it a priority to attend in order to put your vote forward. Please join the Board and Search Committee in prayer and fasting leading up to this evening, asking for God’s direction in what He wants for His church. 

Along with the handout (see link below), reminders will be announced on Sundays and information can be found here on the SCC Transition Blog and in the weekly email Newsletter.

On behalf of the Search Committee and Board,

Don Cundiff
Search Committee Chair 
& Board Member 

Candidating Questions & Dates